Tuesday, 20 July 2021

to any critics of the verisimilitudinous Daily Mail

I've dropped my monocle on the well-kept lawn, while going for a well-timed yawn, during which I had intended to begin the spinning of my yarn, one in which your mistake's the banjo and my wit is the side of the barn.

Allow me; however, to impart on you some friendly advice. Excuse me for a moment while I descend from my stallion, Bryce! Don't come at the Daily Mail with complaints that we write nonsense, we're fit for purpose, believe you me: You want truthful words? We've got license!

Meticulous research is the wallpaper in the corridors of power [where we're from] - and yes, we will indeed take you up on that offer of a cup of tea, chum - just glance over our reporting history and you will see that research is the bedrock on which we've built this media empire: ill-gotten pictures of tits? we threw them on the fire long ago.

Look us up when  you're in town. Turn upside down that frown. Come for that cuppa. We embrace you, beloved reader.

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