Saturday, 14 August 2021

even while it's in bloom

even while it's in bloom, and before you know it, summer is wearing you out and winding down towards a soft and colourful landing 

it started at a great height and kept climbing

it took you all year to adjust and now that you have you are alive to the fact that the flowers have gone to seed and the colours have changed and the garden is fundamentally different

summer is ending just as you got used to it happening

somewhy you only see it's passing you by once it's already gone

then again

the first few moments of summer you cannot bear how much there is to see - if anything you want to curl up once again near the fire, even when it's unlit: just get back into position where you spent so many months hibernating

though winds blew and rain and rain poured and all the time you knew that this was summer because the longest day came and went and everything grew up to a hundred foot high and suddenly everywhere was alive with colour and there were more flying insects bopping and bumbling and buzzing about than you could count on all the hands of all the people you know [a lot of bugs] and everywhere a profusion of scents: honeysuckle, verbena. lupin. campion even. 

everything. all at once. every day a new flower comes to go again. aquilegia all over.

now the lilies have come and the colour has changed. camellia flowers are not only finished but you see now no signs that the bushes can even grow at all - they rest before a long winter before a long next summer and they are trees really that move slow.

but back to the summer

it passes you by even as you are in its midst

the hot hot days you are dazed

too hot to not be in the sea

cooling your mad brain and finding everything lovely everywhere

everything lit up now and ten times better looking for it

under the bright light you can see virtually every detail

everything becomes magnificent under such bright and warm light

you are too hot and the mornings are too early and the nights too late and you hold on with exhausted fingers and a beleaguered mind as the celebrations and everyone wanting to do everything all at once comes all at once - every day it seems is some kind of festival or exhibition or some other reason to be outside

never mind seasonal affective disorder this is like a primal urge to dance to sing and strut about because the days are long and the nights are long and you are hot all the time and the light wakes you before dawn even, before the birds it seems.

it is a four am every day rise and you rush and dance about and love it but are too distracted or exhausted to manage really or to notice the time passing and then, one day, right in the midst of it with still the hottest days to come but the days really now shortening enough that it is like a reverse spring [an unsprung] - a putting back in the box, a forcing down of the spring into the jack in the box - well, you notice now that the colour has changed and the flowers have gone to seed and somehow summer has passed you by even as you are living it

cliché one: life happened while you were busy making other plans

even while it's in bloom, all the while, before you know it, the summer crests and peaks and the flowers are become seed pods now and the colour has changed and you have been passed by again - time goes on with or without you

cliché two: gather ye rosebuds while ye may 

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